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What to Expect

We recognize that taking the step to start counseling can be scary and overwhelming. The information below gives an overview of what you can expect when contacting us and starting services.

  1. Contact us: You may contact us via phone at 918-594-8568 or our online form.

    1. If you contact us via phone, you will either be asked to leave a message or may speak to someone right away, depending on our availability to answer the phone at that time. If you leave a message, please clearly state your name and contact phone number and we will call you back within 1-2 business days.

    2. If you contact us via our online form, expect a call from one of our staff members within 1-2 business days.

  2. Initial phone call: Whenever we first speak on the phone, we will ask you several questions to help us get a sense of how we can be most helpful.

    1. Questions are both demographic (e.g., phone number) and more personal (e.g., what brings you to therapy). If you do not wish to answer any specific question, you can always let us know.

    2. If we feel, based on the information you share, that we would not be a good fit for your needs, we will do out best to provide you with referrals to other agencies within the community.

  3. Add to the waitlist: After our first conversation, if we feel we will be a good fit for you, we will add you to our waitlist. At times, you may remain on the waitlist for as little as 1 day, at other times it may take longer; we will do our best to let you know the anticipated wait time during our initial phone call.

  4. Phone call from counselor: You will be assigned to a counselor based on availability and other relevant information and will receive a call from your assigned counselor.

    1. During that phone call, you will discuss scheduling and how to complete initial paperwork

    2. Your counselor can answer any other questions you have at this time

    3. It is very important for you to complete your paperwork according to the timeline and in the manner that your counselor requests. If you are unable to do so, please communicate with your counselor.

  5. Intake appointment: Your first appointment is called an intake appointment and during this session, you will be asked basic informational questions in order for your counselor to get to know you and start to work with you on counseling goals. Sometimes this intake appointment extends into the second or third appointment as well; this is particularly true for relationship and family counseling.

  6. Treatment planning: Typically during your second appointment you and your counselor will collaborate to determine counseling goals. These goals will be driven by what you identified you want to work on in counseling; you will not be forced to work toward goals that are uncomfortable or undesired. 

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