QD Physical Property Measurement System
(PPMS) EverCool-II
- 9-Tesla superconducting magnet
- Sealed sample chamber with 2.6 cm diameter sample access
- EverCool-II cryogen-free cooling technology
- Versatile sample mounts couple easily to the 12 electrical leads built into the cryostat insert
- The PPMS is controlled by the Model 6000, a sophisticated microprocessor-controlled device that eliminates the need to use or purchase external bridges, current or voltage sources, or lock-in amplifiers
- Continuous Low-Temperature Control – maintains temperature below 4.2 K and offers smooth temperature transitions when warming and cooling through 4.2 K
- User Experiments – External instruments may be controlled automatically using an integrated Visual Basic interface within our Windows-based MultiVu control software or by controlling external Visual C++, Delphi or Visual Basic programs.