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Faculty Services

Browse resources available to faculty including services, collections and policies.


Citation Managers

Citation creation and management options are available, including Zotero.


Experts Directory

OSU-Tulsa faculty, as part of the OSU research community have their profile information automatically entered into OSU’s Experts Directory in a hidden capacity.  In partnership with Edmon Low Library, OSU-Tulsa library provides soft support for this product to help you create a dynamic profile and activate so others may find your professional profile. You may contact, Lynn Wallace at for support to get started.


For tutorials and troubleshooting please contact OSU Experts Directory Support.


Faculty Research Assistance

Contact and set up an appointment with a librarian at (918) 594-8130 or for individual faculty research assistance, including database searching and tutorials, setting up search alerts and table of content notifications, and special in-depth research tasks.


Interlibrary Loan / Document Delivery

The OSU-Tulsa Library can quickly obtain materials not available locally via Interlibrary Loan. Submit electronic request using ILLIAD.


For more information contact the Interlibrary Loan Department at (918) 594-8141 or Any article or book chapter owned by the Library will be made available electronically by request. Entire books can be pulled in advance and placed "on hold" at the Circulation Desk in the OSU-Tulsa Library.


Document Delivery FAQs



Going to a conference? Need a laptop for a presentation or to take notes? The library has 7 available for checkout to OSU-Tulsa faculty and staff for professional purposes. Reservations at least one week in advance are highly recommended.


To make a reservation please contact the Circulation Desk (918) 594-8130.


Library Instruction

We offer library instruction for research and information literacy skills training for classes or small groups. Librarians demonstrate traditional and electronic research techniques, database searching, internet research, citation styles, and more.


Request library instruction online for online and in-person classes, as well as asynchronous options. Please contact us at or (918) 594-8146 for more information.


About OSU-Tulsa Library Instruction Services



OSU-Tulsa Library belongs to the OK-Share Program which allows you to use and check out materials from other libraries throughout Oklahoma.


The policies and procedures of the lending library will apply.


About OK-Share


Open OKState

The OpenOkState Open Education Resources program contributes to the success of OSU students, faculty and the state of Oklahoma by facilitating open, customizable access to meaningful teaching, learning and research resources.  OSU-Tulsa faculty may partner with the Edmon Low Library to create OER content for their discipline and OSU-Tulsa library can assist in finding relevant external OER resources for your classroom. OSU OER publications catalog.


Open Research Oklahoma

Open Research Oklahoma supports OSU's research, teaching and outreach by enhancing the visibility and impact of the university's scholarly output. It is freely available worldwide. The repository houses content from OSU-Stillwater and OSU's Center for Health Sciences, including a mix of faculty publications, digital theses and dissertations, undergraduate research, open educational resources, and more. However, the intention of Open Research Oklahoma is to amplify not only OSU's scholarly work, but also contributions across the state of Oklahoma. Visit the repository


To submit your content email


Reciprocal Library Borrowing

Reciprocal Library borrowing privileges are available to faculty from any of the participating institutions:

  • Oklahoma State University

  • OU Health Sciences Center, Oklahoma City

  • OU Law Library

  • University of Oklahoma

  • University of Tulsa - limited access available

The policies and procedures of the lending library will apply.


RedCap (Research Electronic Data Capture)

In partnership with the OSU-CHS library, OSU-Tulsa faculty have access to this dynamic software that provides a secure method for building research surveys and meets HIPAA security Standards. REDCap supports online, offline and mobile data collection. 


Faculty need to follow all IRB approvals and protocols before utilizing this product. For training and support, please contact


Remote Access

Journal and database research from home: wisit the Databases A-Z website. Select a database and log in with your O-Key Account (Okstate email address and password), then proceed to search for your research topic.


Research Data Services

Information and resources are available to all OSU faculty and students in how to manage your data and measure your impact in your field of study. Data Management Plans have become a requirement for a number of large grants awarded and resources are available to assist in development and drafting your research data management plan. Workshops are advertised on the OSU-Tulsa calendar and include training in Open Science, Electronic Lab Notebooks, LaTex, R, Data Visualization and many more. 



Course materials of all formats can be placed on physical reserve for student use. Submit a course reserve request via our online form or contact Lynn Wallace (918) 594-8130 or


Reserves Materials Guidelines




Books and Ebooks

Use the OSU-Tulsa Library Search to search over 85,000 print books and 200,000+ electronic books searchable by content notes and chapter headings. Search for new books, media and location. Renew library books, check patron information, and place holds online.



Journals A-Z | Databases A-Z


Access over 70,000 electronic journal titles in full text from your office or home PC. Find specific journal titles in the Journals A-Z list. Access the appropriate database for individual articles.


OSU-Tulsa Library Search

Shorten your research time by simultaneously searching across almost all databases at once using a powerful search tool. If you don't know where to start in your research this is a great portal to find quick results from a myriad of sources.


The OSU-Tulsa Library Search box can be found prominently displayed on the library homepage. Use the Advanced Search for a more focused search. Ask library staff for a demonstration.


Purchase Suggestions

We welcome your participation in our Collection Development Program. Contact your Library Liaison or Library Director Lynn Wallace (918) 594-8451 or email


Submit purchase suggestions for books, journals, databases and other materials via the Purchase Request Form.


Resource Guides

Encourage your students to take advantage of online Resource Guides with references to books, encyclopedias, online electronic documents, websites, and pre-selected databases. If you have suggestions for content on these pages contact Lynn Wallace at (918) 594-8451 or


Test Collection

The OSU-Tulsa Library has a limited number of educational and psychological tests available for faculty to use with their students. Special restrictions apply; check with the Circulation desk.


Statement on the Use of Secure Psychological Tests in the Education of Graduate and Undergraduate Psychology Students from the Committee on Psychological Tests and Assessment (CPTA)



Computer Policy

Library workstations are intended to provide expanded access to research and educational resources for OSU-Tulsa students, faculty and staff. Please consult the Library Computer and Network Use Policy for responsible workstation use.



OSU-Tulsa students are responsible for purchasing required texts for their classes. Libraries generally do not keep current copies of textbooks. Therefore students are strongly discouraged from requesting classroom textbooks through ILL.

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