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Crime Reporting

Crime victims, and witnesses to a crime regardless of the crime, are encouraged to promptly report incidents to the OSU-Tulsa Police or other appropriate police agencies. To report a crime, the victim or witness needs only to call the police phone number and a police officer will meet them to gather information. An official report will be made with copies available to the victim after a completed investigation. Each month the number of incidents in each category of crime are counted and reported to the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation, which in turn provides the information to the Federal Bureau of Investigation.


Each year, the FBI publishes a book of crime statistics, "Crime in the United States," which includes accurate accounting of the criminal incidents that occurred on the OSU-Tulsa campus.

Crimes in Progress

To report a crime in progress, a person, victim or witness can dial extension 48123 from a campus phone or 918-594-8123 if off campus or using a cell phone. Dial 911 if you cannot remember the campus phone numbers. The Tulsa Police Department will notify us of the emergency call. Any reporting method will stimulate the response of police, fire, ambulance or other first responders. In addition, the victim of a serious crime can request support personnel, such as ministers and rape crisis or domestic violence counselors, during or after reporting the incident.


Additionally, crime victims may be eligible for funds though victims' compensation laws administrated by the local district attorney.


Prompt reporting of criminal activity to the police enables a quick response, timely warnings and it makes the campus safer for everyone.


If you are the victim of a crime or witness to one, you should do the following:

  1. Call the Police immediately:
    918-594-8123 or extension 48123 from a campus phone
    911 (for life-threatening emergencies)
  2. Obtain a Description: 
    Attempt to obtain a description of the offender(s), including gender, age, race, hair, clothing and distinguishable features. Also attempt to obtain a description and license number of any vehicle(s) involved. Note the direction of travel of any offender(s) or vehicle(s) and report these to the police.
  3. Preserve the Crime Scene: 
    Do not touch any items involved in the incident. Close off the area of the incident and do not allow anyone in the crime area until police arrive.


Types of Crimes Reported to Police

  1. Sexual Assault:

    If you are a sexual assault victim, report it to the police immediately. Preserve the physical evidence. Do not bathe, douche, use the toilet or change clothing. If you have been raped, you should seek medical treatment immediately, regardless of whether you report the matter to the police.

  2. Telephone Harassment:

    Obscene or threatening telephone calls should be reported to the police immediately. Other harassing phone calls should be reported if they persist. If you receive such a call, remain calm and hang up. Always record what was said and the exact time and date you received the call. This information will assist investigators.

  3. Bomb Threats:

    If you know of a bomb threat, contact OSU-Tulsa Police at 918-594-8123. Notify your supervisor or department head and wait for further instructions. Record as much information about the call as you can remember.

  4. Burglary and Larceny:

    Property crimes are the highest reported crimes at OSU-Tulsa. To aid police in locating property, we recommend you always record the serial numbers of any items of value (such as televisions, stereos, laptop computers, mp3 players, mobile phones, etc.). If you feel you have been a victim of a property crime, report the incident immediately to the OSU-Tulsa Police at 918-594-8123.

  5. Assault and Battery:

    The best thing to do when confronted in an assault and battery situation is to try and escape and immediately notify the police by dialing extension 918-594-8123 or using one of the intercom call boxes.

  6. Other Crimes:

    There are many other crimes that can occur. Generally, you should protect yourself and others and report information to police as soon as possible.

Crime Disclosure

University policies and procedures require the publication of annual crime statistics. Included in this report are crimes reported to the Campus Police and other campus officials including Student Services and other key officials.

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