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Victim of a Crime


Reporting to the Police

It is strongly encouraged that you report crimes to the police. This does not commit you to prosecute but will allow the gathering of information and evidence. The information and evidence allow for future options regarding criminal prosecution, university disciplinary actions and/or civil actions against the perpetrator. Your information can be helpful in supporting other reports and/or preventing further incidents (even anonymous reports are somewhat useful).


If the incident occurred on the OSU-Tulsa campus or property you may report it to the OSU-Tulsa Police Department at 1401 Main Hall or at 918-594-8123.  If the incident occurred in the city of Tulsa and off campus, you will need to report it to the appropriate police department.


How to File a Complaint with Student Conduct

A "complaint" is an official report to the university alleging that an OSU-Tulsa student has violated the Code of Conduct.  To submit a report of any concerning behavior or to allege that the Code of Conduct has been violated, submit a complaint online.  Alternatively, you may download a Complaint Form and return it to Student Conduct Education and Administration, 204 North Hall.  Provide as much detail as possible in your complaint, giving dates and times of events and a detailed description of what has occurred.  If other people observed what happened or are familiar with the situation, you may also complete a Witness List and ask them to fill out a Witness Statement. Once your complaint has been received, Student Conduct will contact you and begin an investigation into the situation.


Once You Have Filed a Complaint with Student Conduct

We want you to be knowledgeable about the process that occurs once you have filed a complaint with Student Conduct.  Student Conduct will be available to explain the process to you individually upon request.



  • You will be notified of receipt of your complaint and the actions the university official will take.

  • A university official will meet with you to discuss the complaint submitted, review the investigation and hearing process, and to determine the outcome you desire from your complaint.

  • An investigation will be conducted by a university official. This investigation will include:

    • meeting personally with the complainant

    • meeting personally with the student(s) accused

    • meeting personally with any witnesses

    • reviewing any documentary evidence

  • The investigation of complaints will be adequate, reliable, and impartial.

  • The investigation process can take up to 60 days.

  • The university official will determine if a discipline hearing is possible.

  • If the incident was a crime of violence the complaint can request the outcome of the hearing.


What Can Student Conduct Do For You?                                      

  • We can assist you in filing a complaint with the university disciplinary process and the appropriate law enforcement agencies against the student(s) who caused harm.

  • We can assist you in completing a No Contact Order between you and the accused. This would prohibit contact between you and the accused through any means of communication. This would also prohibit having others contacting you on behalf of the accused.

  • We can assist you in filing for an Emergency Order of Protection in court. This is a court ordered petition which prohibits contact between the complainant and accused.

  • We can coordinate any reasonable arrangements which are necessary for your ongoing safety. This includes changing your class schedule or that of the accused, or similar action.

  • We can coordinate any reasonable arrangements to address the effects of the crime on you. This includes connecting you with counseling, health care, or academic support resources.

  • We complete a thorough and impartial investigation, separate from any inquiry conducted by law enforcement. This includes talking to the complainant, the accused student(s) and any witnesses, and reviewing any documentary evidence.

  • We are here for you. We will meet with you, answer any questions you have, provide appropriate resources and assist you throughout the entire process. Please contact us if you have questions or need assistance.

Safety Tips

At Home

  • Lock your doors and windows when you are not home to prevent access to your residence

  • Never let unknown persons into your home

  • Lock your doors when you sleep or take a nap

  • Do not prop doors that are supposed to remain locked

  • Do not put your name and address on your keys

  • If someone breaks into your home, call the police immediately with a description of the intruder

  • If you are suspicious of any activity, at any time, call the police.

  • Do not hide keys outside of your residence

  • Avoid working or studying alone


While Walking & Jogging

  • Avoid walking or jogging alone, especially late at night

  • Avoid dark and vacant areas, travel in well-lit areas.

  • Be alert of your surroundings.

  • If you think you’re being followed: run in a different direction, go to the other side of the street and yell for help, or hit an emergency blue light.

  • Try not to wear headphones because it limits your awareness to your surroundings



  • Don’t put on social media when you’re out of town because it lets people know that is a good time to break in

  • Don’t put your phone number or address online

  • Don’t put your daily schedule online

  • Make sure you trust any online website in which you choose to share your credit card information


While Driving

  • When going to your car, carry your keys and get in quickly

  • Check under your car, in the back seat and in the truck bed before getting in your vehicle

  • Keep your doors locked and windows up whenever possible

  • Drive on well-travel roads that are well lit

  • Do not pick up hitch hikers or strangers

  • If someone tries to enter your stopped vehicle, sound your horn and drive off

  • If your vehicle breaks down and anyone stops to help, ask them to call the police. Do not let any unknown persons into your vehicle.

  • Call ahead when driving to your home late at night and have someone watch you walk into your residence if possible.

  • Limit distractions like texting, talking, or messing with the radio.


Protect Your Stuff

  • Lock your doors whenever you leave for any length of time

  • Keep your vehicle locked when the windows up

  • Do not prop open doors

  • Do not leave valuables in plain view in your vehicle

  • Keep your books safe by writing your name and number inside of them

  • Do not loan your keys to people

  • Write down the serial numbers of your electronics

  • Make copies of your credit cards and other things in your wallet

  • Do not carry important documents such as your social security card in your wallet

  • When in public do not leave your valuables unprotected 

Community Resources


OSU-Tulsa Police Department
1401 Main Hall


Tulsa Police Department
600 Civic Center #303


OSU-Tulsa Student Conduct Education and Administration
204 North Hall
918-594-8234 or 918-594-8450


OSU-Tulsa Affirmative Action Title IX Compliance
1405 Main Hall


OSU-Tulsa Student Counseling Center
2419 Main Hall
The first five sessions are free.


Domestic Violence Intervention Services (DVIS)
DVIS Family Safety Center
600 Civic Center, Main Level

24-hour Crisis Line (any crisis any time): 918-743-5763

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