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Safety on campus

Property Protection

  1. Lock your door whenever you leave your office for any length of time. Always lock all car doors.

  2. Never prop open any door.

  3. Adequately protect all valuables in your office. Do not leave valuables or cash in plain view.

  4. Protect your books and put your name in them. Do not leave the receipt in your book. They can be sold back.

  5. Take all valuable items home with you during vacations.

  6. When in a public place, keep valuable possessions out of sight. If you must leave an area for any length of time, take personal items with you.

  7. Participate in "Operation Identification" in cooperation with the OSU-Tulsa Campus Police. Operation Identification is a crime prevention project to protect your possessions from theft. Obtain Operation Identification materials from the OSU-Tulsa Police.

  8. Itemize your possessions on a file card. Record the descriptions and serial numbers.

  9. OSU-Tulsa Police has available an electric engraver that you may use to engrave your license number, social security number or other identifying marks on your valuables.

Note: Computers, MP3 players, tablets, bicycles, cash and jewelry are items particularly susceptible to theft.


Personal Safety

At home or an apartment:

  1. Keep your door locked when you are napping or sleeping.

  2. Never let unauthorized persons come into your home or enter apartment security doors. Always ask to see proper identification. Any suspicious activity should be reported to the police immediately.

  3. Do not hide keys outside of your home or apartment. Do not put your name or address on your keys.

  4. If an intruder awakens you inside your residence, do not attempt to apprehend the intruder. Try to get an accurate description of the intruder and then call the police. Exit your residence if you can safely do so.


When driving:

  1. Carry your car keys when approaching your vehicle so you can enter quickly.

  2. Lock your doors and keep windows rolled up whenever possible. Always check underneath your car and in the rear seat for intruders before entering your automobile.

  3. Drive on well-traveled and well-lit streets.

  4. Never hitchhike and never pick up hitchhikers.

  5. If someone tries to enter your stopped vehicle, sound the horn and drive to a safe area such as a convenience store.

  6. If your vehicle breaks down, ask any person who stops to help call the police. Do not allow any person access to you or inside your car. Roll down your window no more than an inch. Be aware that an accident may be staged to provide the other driver an opportunity to commit a criminal act.

  7. Leave enough room between your car and the one ahead so you can drive around it if necessary.

  8. Call ahead when driving to your home or apartment late at night and have someone watch you walk from your car to the residence.


While walking or jogging:

  1. Avoid walking or jogging alone and try not to walk or jog in the dark.

  2. Avoid dark or vacant areas. Walk along well-lit routes.

  3. Be alert to your surroundings. If you suspect you are being followed: run in a different direction, go to the other side of the street and yell for help, or move quickly to a lighted area, a group of people or a parking lot intercom.


Steps to follow if you see suspicious activity or persons

If you see any suspicious activity or person(s) on or near the University campus, it is your responsibility to call the University Police at 918-594-8123 or extension 48123 from a campus phone. For non-emergency situations, you can use OSU-Tulsa's Silent Witness program to report. Do not assume what you see is an innocent activity or that another individual has already called the police. Do not worry about being embarrassed; rather, think about what could happen if you do not act.


Suspicious persons may include:

  • Person(s) loitering about at unusual hours and locations.

  • Person(s) running, especially if something of value is being carried.

  • Person(s) exhibiting unusual mental or physical symptoms. Person(s) could be under the influence of drugs or needing medical or psychiatric assistance.

  • Person(s) carrying property that might be suspicious, depending on the circumstances.

  • Person(s) going from room to room trying doorknobs.

Other unusual situations:

  • Open or broken doors or windows.

  • Unusual noises-anything suggestive of foul play, danger or illegal activity.

  • Person(s) sitting in parked vehicles for an extended period of time.

  • Vehicles driving slowly in a parking lot or parking garage at night.

  • Any person(s) not affiliated with the University community.

Do not assume the person(s) may be a visitor(s) or university staff that you have not seen before. Call the OSU-Tulsa Police immediately at 918-594-8123.

If you feel you may need an escort on campus, OSU-Tulsa Police officers are available to accompany you to your vehicle or other campus destination. Call 918-594-8123 or visit the OSU-Tulsa Police Office in Main Hall 1401.

Medical Emergencies

Steps to take in medical emergencies:

  1. Do not move the patient unless his or her life is in danger.

  2. Have someone stay with the patient until help arrives.

  3. If using a campus phone, call extension 48123. If off campus, call 911. State your name, your exact location and a brief description of the problem. Do not hang up until told to do so. The victim should make the request for medical assistance if he or she is able to do so.

  4. Meet emergency personnel to guide them to the patient.

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