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Severe Weather

Weather in Oklahoma can be unpredictable, particularly in the winter. OSU-Tulsa makes every effort to keep campus open and clear of ice, snow and other impediments. However, there are times when weather, road and other conditions require us to move to virtual operations, close or cancel classes for the safety of our students, faculty, staff and guests. This page will help you understand the language we use in announcing virtual campus, campus closures or class cancelations and how OSU-Tulsa leadership makes these decisions.
If you do not see a notice on the OSU-Tulsa website, social media or in your email, then OSU-Tulsa is open for normal business and class hours, except for announced University holidays.

Closing Decision Procedures

When possible and after assessment of conditions, OSU-Tulsa will provide a public message by 6 a.m. on the morning of any level of closure via the University’s alert system and media outlets as follows:
  • Send a message via Cowboy Alert (RAVE)

  • Post messaging as needed on website, Facebook and Twitter.

  • Notify local media outlets of OSU-Tulsa’s status

  • Notify Conference Center clients

  • Notify external tenants who have opted in to a designated email distribution list

Early Closing: Deteriorating conditions may prompt evaluation for an early closing. The protocol is the same as outlined above. A decision to cancel evening classes at OSU-Tulsa will be communicated by 2 p.m. 

Cowboy AlertNWS Text Messages for Tornado Warnings

Cowboy Alert subscribers will receive notification via text message when the National Weather Service declares a tornado warning in an area within 10 miles of the OSU-Tulsa campus. To opt in to the Cowboy Alert system, log in to the O-KEY system, click on Campus Alerts and Notifications in the left column and add your contact information. Please allow one business day for your request to be processed.

Update settings in O-KEY

General Closure Guidelines

The campus of OSU-Tulsa will be closed if weather or other emergency situations are judged to threaten the security or safety of staff, faculty, students and visitors.


Information considered by OSU-Tulsa Administration

OSU-Tulsa’s executive team consider the following information when deciding whether to close campus:

  1. Status of OSU-Stillwater and the Big Orange Bus.

    1. Due to impact on faculty and students, OSU-Tulsa will cancel classes if BOB is not running due to inclement weather conditions. (Note: As described in the Definitions section, class cancelation is different from a campus closure.)

    2. Tulsa is 70 miles east of Stillwater and may have different weather and road conditions.

    3. The OSU-Tulsa campus is non-residential.

  2. Tulsa-area higher education closure status.

    1. OSU-Tulsa does not automatically close if local school districts close. K-12 students have different safety considerations than adults.

  3. Status of the city of Tulsa and Tulsa County offices and operations, including the operating status of Tulsa Transit.

  4. Road conditions to and from OSU-Tulsa from within the city and surrounding areas, as well as road conditions on campus.

  5. The condition of campus parking lots and sidewalks.

  6. Assessments by OSU-Tulsa Police and Facilities Management of safety on campus such as tree damage, power to buildings and icy conditions.


Closure Definitions

The following definitions will help you understand the language used to announce schedule changes and what you can expect for each.


Assumption of Personal Risk and Responsibility

Whether inclement weather or other conditions exist on or around the OSU-Tulsa campus, the assumption of risk is a decision each individual must make even if OSU-Tulsa remains open. Students, faculty, staff and visitors are responsible for their own safety and should use their best judgment about traveling to or from campus. Please see OSU Human Resources Inclement Weather policies and procedures for more information.

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