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Membership and Fees


Student, faculty and staff membership is free of charge (a current OSU ID is required at time of enrollment). Alumni and spouses of faculty and staff, as well as other OSU system students, can join for $90 per semester. All OSU-Tulsa students are eligible to use the Wellness Center at no additional fee.


Students, staff and faculty may submit the online Wellness Center enrollment form to enroll. All other affiliation memberships must be applied for in person in North Hall 103, Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m.


Wellness Center enrollment form

Wellness Center Fees

Classification Affiliation Fee
Students OSU-Tulsa No charge
OSU Staff/Faculty OSU-Tulsa No charge
Alumni OSU-Tulsa, OSU-CHS, OSU-Stillwater and Langston-Tulsa $90/semester
Spouses of Staff, Faculty or Student OSU-Tulsa, OSU-CHS and Langston-Tulsa $90/semester
OSU-Okmulgee Student, OSU-OKC Student, OSU Internet Only Student, Langston-Tulsa Student or Langston-Tulsa Faculty   $90/semester
Retirees OSU-Tulsa, OSU-CHS, Langston Tulsa $90/semester
Summer Student OSU-Tulsa, OSU-CHS, OSU-Stillwater $50*

*Summer Student memberships are only offered to students who are currently enrolled in the upcoming Fall semester.

Payment Information


All Wellness Membership payments must be made at the Bursar Office, located in the Student Union. Members can pay at the Bursar Office Monday-Friday 8 a.m.–5 p.m. Currently enrolled online only OSU-Tulsa students can pay with cash or check. Alumni and guests must pay with cash. Credit Cards are NOT accepted for Wellness Membership payments.

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